Stress and Other Things by Alvin Gregory

I, among many, recognize that just experiencing a 'normal' life can be the cause of serious sources of stress. Whether the illogical, current political landscape, financial instability, declining health, interpersonal issues with those around you, and on and on; they all contribute to a feeling of tension. Have you seen the list of top ten 'stresses'? Check one out and you'll begin to understand the factors that are causing your personal anxieties and interrupted sleep patterns.

The good news is there are tried and true methods of finding calm as the storm rages around you. This article examines the benefits of the ancient technique of calming one's mind called transcendental meditation (TM).

Those who practice TM say the key to unlocking clear thought and calm is to spend 20 minutes a day deliberately thinking about nothing, allowing the brain to essentially have a 'mind' of its own. Sitting quietly, you close your eyes and allow the mind to take its natural tendency, which is to search for more in life. In doing so, you turn your mind inward and allow it to dive deeply toward itself. This inner, deeper level of self is very soothing and calming; a gift in these troubled times.

For better understanding, consider the nervous system is divided, in a simplistic way, into two parts. There is a new brain and our old brain, the more animal instinct part that protects us in stressful or dangerous situations. The old brain is wired so that it automatically activates protective processes, allowing us to react rapidly. The new brain takes time to analyze and react.

TM has its roots running 5,000 years deep, to the ancient Vedic tradition in India. The practice increased in popularity in the 1960's, championed by guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. To this day, some consider TM a counter culture fad e.g., hippie. However, the technique is anything but new; it's simply a different way of thinking.

Some skepticism finds its base on the perception that TM is a religious activity or has a specific ideological focus. TM does not change how a person thinks about their politics or spirituality. You still are who you are! Your mind is simply in a better place. It does change your physiology. It does change your mind. Most importantly, it does change how you deal with everything else.

At a minimum, TM works in part, because it offers the stressed practitioner what any doctor would recommend post trauma; rest. TM is a simple technique that allows the mind to go back to itself, and then heal itself; allowing the body to then heal itself. Advocates of TM agree the experience of transcending, of going deeper, results in an inner experience of peace and calm.

Sounds like something that could be of benefit during these crazy times? Then take the next step by opening the Transcendental Meditation International web site, where you will find a platform dedicated to guiding you on your journey inward.